Grow your own

Before you know it spring will be upon us. Although I live in a town house community, I enjoy growing my own food. This post will be short as it will be followed next month with several more posts of a similar nature that will encourage you to grow your own food.

I know that for many people the first thought that comes to mind when thinking about growing their own food is that they don’t have the room.

I am here to tell you that it really does not take as much room as you think. In fact if you have a window sill, you can grow your own herbs. I actually recommend starting with a couple of herbs to get your feet wet if you have never grown anything.

Growing your own foods is beneficial to you in that you always know exactly how that food was handled, and most times you can do it without spraying the additional chemicals that you get when buying store bought produce.

Just a couple of things that I would recommend when getting started. Buy non GMO Seeds. There are several companies out there that specialize in this area

Bakers Creek is the one I use most often. They have a beautiful catalog that they will send you for free. Ordering seeds is something you want to do by March so that you have time to start the seedlings inside if you need to.

Now for those who are a little more adventurous or have even a little outdoor space I recommend the following

Tomatoes- Look for the container varieties. They are always listed in the catalogs as such. This year I noticed a plant in the Bakers creek catalog called micro tom. It doesn’t get any bigger than 6 inches. Perfect for those who want fresh tomatoes but are limited on space

Micro Tom Tomato

Also consider strawberries- Strawberries can be grown in hanging pots. You can easily hang them on your deck and have fresh strawberries all summer. If you have enough crop you could freeze some and and make smoothies with them through the winter. If you were not aware conventional strawberries are heavily sprayed with chemicals so having your own plants makes perfect sense

Image result for strawberries hanging basket

Peppers- Mini bells are easy to grow and are heat lovers. They are also generally very good producers in my experience. This is a vegetable that can be frozen for later use. I plan to do a post this summer on freezing your produce. So stay tuned and for now, do yourself a favor and consider growing your own produce. The health benefits are many and your body will thank you

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